Dalby Price-Rite
Establishment and electronics store at Winton Street West, Dalby, QLD 4405, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Dalby Price-Rite: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Contact Information
Establishment Electronics store
Winton Street West
QLD 4405
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Reviews of Dalby Price-Rite
- Cathryn Jerram Added August 12, 2020★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆Friendly helpful staff usually can find whatever part you looking, can deal with most vehicle related issues.
- Aureanna Devlin Added August 08, 2020★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Shocking to get in contact with. Phone directory doesn't work when you press the number for the option you need & just repeats itself without ringing through. Have tried calling up for the past 3 days now & hasn't gone through once.
- Janette Chalkley Added August 03, 2020★ ★ ★ ★ ★Great service great cars would recommend to anyone looking to buy a quality second hand vehicle.
- Cathryn Jerram Added July 30, 2020★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆They do so much and a good job. The place has been a one stop shop when needed my car fixed
- Jadeana Butler Added July 24, 2020★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆There ok
Questions & Answers
1. What is the phone number for Dalby Price-Rite
The phone number for Dalby Price-Rite is .2. Where is Dalby Price-Rite located?
Dalby Price-Rite is located at Winton Street West Dalby, QLD 4405.3. Is there a primary contact for Dalby Price-Rite
You can contact Dalby Price-Rite by phone using number .4. What is the web address (URL) for Dalby Price-Rite
The website for Dalby Price-Rite is .Share this page
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Today's weather in Dalby QLD
13:00 28 ℃ 1016 hPa 45 % 2 m/s 16:00
30 ℃ 1014 hPa 38 % 2 m/s 19:00
28 ℃ 1014 hPa 47 % 7 m/s 22:00
25 ℃ 1015 hPa 62 % 4 m/s
Tomorrow's weather in Dalby QLD
01:00 24 ℃ 1014 hPa 71 % 2 m/s 04:00
22 ℃ 1014 hPa 79 % 0 m/s 07:00
22 ℃ 1016 hPa 74 % 1 m/s 10:00
25 ℃ 1016 hPa 60 % 1 m/s 13:00
31 ℃ 1013 hPa 40 % 1 m/s 16:00
31 ℃ 1011 hPa 37 % 3 m/s 19:00
29 ℃ 1013 hPa 47 % 5 m/s 22:00
24 ℃ 1015 hPa 70 % 4 m/s